
Type: Posts; User: Mark_in_Hollywood; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Re: deja dup back up tool

    When Ubuntu's developers changed the Unity desktop back to Gnome in 18.04, after I ran my deja-dup restore, Gourmet Recipe Manager fails. I want to do a clean install of 18.04, but don't want to...
  2. [ubuntu] 18.04 breaks Gourmet Recipe Manager

    Is it possible that restoring files from a backup made by deja-dup in /home would corrupt or damage files in any other directory or folder? What I have in /home is data and not script files or the...
  3. [lubuntu] Install and Enable DNSCrypt Proxy 2

    While working on setting up DNSCrypt using:

    I do not know...
  4. Re: looking for some DNS Leak Testing Tools Recommendation

    I like

    and do use the Extended Test. Yes they are a VPN seller. I do not use their service.
  5. Replies

    xdg and livepatch zombies

    I am seeing two zombies in top. How can I prevent this? (other than garlic or a wooden stake)?

    2023 tty2 Sl+ 0:00 \_ zeitgeist-datahub USER=mark TEXTDOMAIN=im-config...
  6. Re: deja-dup (backups) InvalidBackendURL

    I deleted the deja-dup created objects in ./home/cache. I reformatted the external drive and renamed it from dejadup to ExtUSB. Before that deja would not even offer a radio button of backup or...
  7. [ubuntu] Re: On cold boot all settings lost

    I hope someone else does have a better idea. None of your suggestions have had the least effect.
  8. [ubuntu] On cold boot all settings lost

    After a clean install (onto SSD) a week ago, at each morning's cold boot, all the settings are gone. The panel icons have a size of default, even though I make icons 36. The clock has no day/date,...
  9. deja-dup (backups) InvalidBackendURL

    On a clean re-install of 18.04, I tried to restore from Ubuntu's (horribly named) "Backups" which was formerly called deja-dup. Try searching for keywords like: "backups" "ubuntu" invalidbackendurl
  10. [ubuntu] 18.04 requests password for Google's Calendar

    Many programs, when called, such as Simple Scan, GPSBabel bring up a log-in popup wanting to save a password to the keyring for Holidays in the US on Google's Calendar.

    How do I stop this, short...
  11. [SOLVED] Re: Unmet dependencies not fixable for Gstreamer

    Although a warning came with trying to install ubuntu-restricted-extras, I installed it (them?). No problems seem to have arisen as a result of that.
  12. [SOLVED] Re: Unmet dependencies not fixable for Gstreamer

    mark@Lexington:~$ apt policy oxideqt-codecs-extra
    Installed: (none)
    Candidate: 1.21.5-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
    Version table:
    1.21.5-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 500
  13. [SOLVED] Unmet dependencies not fixable for Gstreamer

    I tried to play a recording (.amr) and Video looked for plugins. The plugin window shows an exclamation point in red letter that would be installed. I closed that without installation of plugins. In...
  14. [SOLVED] Re: ping: unknown host

    The order of re-booting the devices matters. Go Figure!

    With all devices powered off, the modem is first to be powered up. Then the switch, then the 'puter and anything else. Except the MagicJack...
  15. [SOLVED] Re: ping: unknown host

    I'm confused. I've read that unmanaged switches have no IP addresses. If that is correct what addresses do you want? All of the devices on the switch? Just some? Sorry, I'm not a nutworking 'puter...
  16. [SOLVED] Re: ping: unknown host

    This is a Desktop box. No server to my knowledge.

    Other Devices address range? My magicjack phone connection (VOIP) works as long as the cable twixt the switch and computer isn't connected. I'm...
  17. [SOLVED] ping: unknown host

    I changed ISPs. The now modem, when run with a Ethernet cable directly to the 'puter works. When the same cable goes to a unmanaged switch, no 'net. Pinging returns:
    ping: unknown host
  18. [ubuntu] Screen Resolution and Dejadup

    For some months now, at power up, the screen icons are way too large. And dejadup is called by I don't know what, as it's scheduled for once a week. Deja will come onscreen if a USB device is plugged...
  19. Re: Logged off by Forum while in middle of responding to a post

    FWIW, I use the ethernet cable, never wifi. Thnx.
  20. [lubuntu] Re: Screen resolution keeps changing and proper resolution unavailable

    I am having the same problem.

    This developed after a re-install of 16.04 to enlarge /

    The re-install, via LiveUSB, ran this way: boot to usb, use GParted to "blank" ssd. Reinstall 16.04...
  21. Logged off by Forum while in middle of responding to a post

    For the 3rd or 4th time since this problem first arose, I have written a response to an OP and before I could get my response posted, after clicking the radio button "Submit", I'm taken to a page...
  22. Replies

    [SOLVED] How to Remove ~/.Private

    When I did an install of this 16.04, I was using dd to bit copy from a metal to a silicon drive. The encryption was never used on the silicon drive.

    How do I remove
    .Private 10G 8.9G 576M ...
  23. [ubuntu] Desktop Icons All Clockfaces, No Accessing Recovery Mode

    Today, after several reboots, the icons on my desktop, whether ending in .png or .pdf, are all the clockface image that indicates the file is being written to somewhere on the Desktop. Files ending...
  24. [SOLVED] When Upgrading? Mount Points and Crypto in FSTAB

    On installing 16.04 onto an SSD I put Cryptography. Those bytes were dd'd from a metal to a solid state drive. What came over with that clone was the crypto partition. I no longer use/want...
  25. [SOLVED] Re: Update of audio pacakges causes no sound

    Thnx for that, Dennis N. I tried to fix the half-installed pulse, pau, alsa and some others but could not restore sound (audio). We are sooo near 18.04LTS, I'm going to wait on that.
Results 1 to 25 of 250
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